GSM SMS vs Internet? Passthrough?

I'm just starting to look into the GSM/GPRS shields and how they work. I have a few questions that I'm hoping someone more familiar might be able to answer before I spend a great deal of time learning about them to possibly find out they won't do what I want.

I'm wondering if it's possible to set up an arduino to use the SMS capabilities of a GSM card but pass through the internet connectivity to another device such as a raspberry pi?

What I would like to do is set up a remote system consisting of a basic, lower power arduino module that will monitor periodically for incoming SMS commands to remotely turn a Raspberry Pi on and off. The primary goal would be to have on-demand access to the pi but without the always-on power drain to conserve power.

The idea would be to have the arduino be able to check the GSM/GPRS shield for incoming text messages periodically (possibly even powering up and down the GSM device to do so to further conserve power) and if a given command is waiting in the SMS, throw a relay to turn on the pi and pass through any internet connectivity to the GPIO of the pi. (and/or if the GSM uses different connections for each, just have the pi connected to the other pins - I'm not sure what they have on them)

Is it possible to do something like this? Have two devices share different uses of the same shield? The arduino would not need direct access to the internet and the pi would not need any access to sms. I'm just not sure how those things are wired on these chips/shields. Also, once the pi is turned 'on', control could be handed over completely until it is turned off. The arduino only need to take control again when the pi shuts down and/or a given time-out occurs or something similar.

The primary goal is to have a lower-power standby mechanism that can turn the other on and allow it to connect to the net to allow remote connections.

Can this be done?