SPI Nokia 5110 & SSD1306 OLED screens work with nearly identical shiftout code!

I know everyone is using the fantastic u8g2 library on these screens, but I've been playing around with a bare-bones approach to driving displays based on a shift-out method that Julian Illet posted to Youtube tutorial series a few years ago. That worked great with the Nokia 5110, but the LCD screens could not handle direct screen pressure even when they were encased under 8mm of epoxy - which still flexes somewhat at depth.

So I went looking for something which could handle more abuse and when the first batch (I2C) 0.96" OLEDs arrived I was surprised by how well they stood up to pressure. I recently got another pleasant surprise when I found out that the SPI version of the SSD1306 OLED can be driven by essentially the same code as the PCD8544 (with the exception of the init function which is specific to the controller).

Adding the SSD1306 OLED Screen to an Arduino Logger (without a library)

Also note that I am using a highly non-standard way of connecting the screen, and I admit that the way I generate the reset signal is a fudge - but it's worked on all the screens I've tested so far. The primary reason to use this method is to save power in data logging applications that need to run for years at a time: When you drive the pin-powering line down, the screen is completely disabled and draws no current at all.