CDI tester project

Hello, OK I have installed the library for LCD and it works bot does not display any values, not even rpm which I see is fixed for now. What functions should I test / work on first?

I assume you are running the code posted in #184. Are you using a 20x4 lcd or 16x2?

Do you see the screen from setup which shows RPM with no number following and then the values of the three toggle switch settings, which if there are no switches will default to the Mode:R 1stPulse + and CP N?

The RPM is not fixed, but is set by a pot on A3

RPM = map(analogRead(pot1), 0, 1023, 500, 4000);

If you tie A3 to 3.3v you should see RPM near 2800.

I would work first to get a pot on A3, or otherwise, change the line with the RPM mapping to a fixed RPM.

The second line with DelayDegree should show 0.00 until there is a return pulse on the interrupt pin 3.