'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope error

Hi everyone

I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I wanted to build a torch height controller (THC) for my cnc plasma cutter. I found a guy who had already built one, and he was nice enough to document the build and upload it to github here: GitHub - regeg/ArdunioTHC: Arduino-based CNC Plasma torch system Torch Height Controller

So I built the hardware but that is as far as I got. When I tried to verify the code for the Arduino, I got an 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope error with the following lines under it:

NonVolatile.cpp:16:20: error: EEPROM.h: No such file or directory
NonVolatile.cpp: In member function 'void NonVolatileStorage::InitializeStorage(unsigned char)':
NonVolatile.cpp:78: error: 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope
NonVolatile.cpp: In member function 'void NonVolatileStorage::DataLoad()':
NonVolatile.cpp:115: error: 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope
NonVolatile.cpp: In member function 'void NonVolatileStorage::DataSave()':
NonVolatile.cpp:186: error: 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope
NonVolatile.cpp: In member function 'unsigned char NonVolatileStorage::setBlock(unsigned char)':
NonVolatile.cpp:439: error: 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope

I asked him about the error, but he couldn't suggest anything other than he used the Arduino 1.0.5 IDE, but I d/l and installed Arduino 1.0.5-r2.

I'm no programmer and have spent the last week or so googling that error, but everything I've found is not helping me.

Maybe someone here can have a look and point something out?

BTW, I had to break the code up into several posts as it exceeded the maximum allowed length of 9500 characters.

* COPYRIGHT 2013 - Regis M. George
 * License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

 * NonVolatile.cpp
 *  Created on: Sep 22, 2012
 *      Author: Rege

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "EEPROM.h"

#include "NonVolatile.h"
#include "THC.h"

// NonVolatileStorage Constructor
// When created, just set the flag to denote that no data is loaded.
	initialized = false;

	// None of the following need initialized, but do
	// it anyway to prevent uninitialized variable warnings.
	addrOffset = 1;
	voltSetPoint = DEFAULT_SET_POINT;
	pilotArcCount = 0;
	pierceCount = 0;
	tipHours = 0;
	tipMinutes = 0;
	tipSeconds = 0;
	writeCount = 0;
	defaultState = THC_STATE_ENABLED;


// InitializeStorage
// This call if used to reset all values and then write
// those reset values to the flash.  It is typically used when
// the flash is blank or if the flash data is corrupt (determined
// based on a magic number).
void NonVolatileStorage::InitializeStorage(unsigned char addrOffsetParam)
	unsigned int addrOffsetValue;

	// Initialize all the EEPROM memory assuming this
	// is a new system.
	addrOffset = addrOffsetParam;
	voltSetPoint = DEFAULT_SET_POINT;
	pilotArcCount = 0;
	pierceCount = 0;
	tipHours = 0;
	tipMinutes = 0;
	tipSeconds = 0;
	writeCount = 0;
	defaultState = THC_STATE_ENABLED;

	addrOffsetValue = (addrOffset * MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1;

	// Now save the initialized data.

	// Save the offset value
	EEPROM.write(ADDR_OFFSET, addrOffset);

	// Save the values that had defaults.
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SCALING + addrOffsetValue, scale);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SETPOINT_B1 + addrOffsetValue, (unsigned char) (voltSetPoint & 0xff));
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SETPOINT_B2 + addrOffsetValue, (unsigned char) (voltSetPoint & 0xff00) >> 8);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_DEFAULT_STATE + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) defaultState);

	// Save all the values that are just zeroed.
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_PILOT_ARC_COUNT_BYTE1 + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_PILOT_ARC_COUNT_BYTE2 + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_PIERCE_COUNT_BYTE1 + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_PIERCE_COUNT_BYTE2 + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_TIP_HOURS_BYTE + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_TIP_MINUTES_BYTE + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_TIP_SECONDS_BYTE + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE1 + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE2 + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE3 + addrOffsetValue, 0);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE4 + addrOffsetValue, 0);

// DataLoad
// This method will load all the data from EEPROM.  If there
// is no valid data (determined by an invalid check byte),
// then it will initialize everything and save it.
void NonVolatileStorage::DataLoad(void)
	unsigned char byte1, byte2;
	unsigned int addrOffsetValue;

	// Read the offset value to see where the data is in RAM
	addrOffset = EEPROM.read(ADDR_OFFSET);
	addrOffsetValue = (addrOffset * MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1;
	// Get the magic number.
	byte1 = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_CHECK_BYTE + addrOffsetValue);

	// If the magic number is not right, assume the
	// EEPROM has not been initialized.
	if (byte1 != EEPROM_MAGIC_NUMBER)

more code

	// Read each of the values and load them into their variables.
	voltSetPoint = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SETPOINT_B1 + addrOffsetValue);
	voltSetPoint |= (EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SETPOINT_B2 + addrOffsetValue) << 8);

	scale = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SCALING + addrOffsetValue);

	byte1 = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_PILOT_ARC_COUNT_BYTE1 + addrOffsetValue);
	byte2 = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_PILOT_ARC_COUNT_BYTE2 + addrOffsetValue);
	pilotArcCount = (((unsigned int) byte1) << 8) | ((unsigned int) byte2);

	byte1 = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_PIERCE_COUNT_BYTE1 + addrOffsetValue);
	byte2 = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_PIERCE_COUNT_BYTE2 + addrOffsetValue);
	pierceCount = (((unsigned int) byte1) << 8) | ((unsigned int) byte2);

	tipHours = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_TIP_HOURS_BYTE + addrOffsetValue);
	tipMinutes = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_TIP_MINUTES_BYTE + addrOffsetValue);
	tipSeconds = EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_TIP_SECONDS_BYTE + addrOffsetValue);

	defaultState = (THCState_e) EEPROM.read(REL_ADDR_DEFAULT_STATE);

	writeCount = 0;
	writeCount = ((unsigned long) EEPROM.read(
			REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE1 + addrOffsetValue)) << 24;
	writeCount |= ((unsigned long) EEPROM.read(
			REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE2 + addrOffsetValue)) << 16;
	writeCount |= ((unsigned long) EEPROM.read(
			REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE3 + addrOffsetValue)) << 8;
	writeCount |= ((unsigned long) EEPROM.read(
			REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE4 + addrOffsetValue));

	initialized = true;

// DataSave
// Save the current object values in EEPROM.  If not initialized
// properly, then just return.
void NonVolatileStorage::DataSave(void)
	unsigned int addrOffsetValue;

	// Don't write anything if the values were never initialized.
	if (!initialized)
	addrOffsetValue = (addrOffset * MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1;

	// Increment the count of data saved.
	// If we've exceeded the EEPROM write limit, move to the next
	// block of memory.
	if (writeCount >= WRITE_LIMIT)
		addrOffset += MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE;

	// Now, write all the values.
			(unsigned char) pilotArcCount >> 8);
			(unsigned char) pilotArcCount & 0xff);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_PIERCE_COUNT_BYTE1 + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) (pierceCount >> 8));
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_PIERCE_COUNT_BYTE2 + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) (pierceCount & 0xff));
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_TIP_HOURS_BYTE + addrOffsetValue, tipHours);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_TIP_MINUTES_BYTE + addrOffsetValue, tipMinutes);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_TIP_SECONDS_BYTE + addrOffsetValue, tipSeconds);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SCALING + addrOffsetValue, scale);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE1 + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) (writeCount >> 24));
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE2 + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) (writeCount >> 16) & 0xff);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE3 + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) (writeCount >> 8) & 0xff);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_WRITE_COUNT_BYTE4 + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) writeCount & 0xff);
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SETPOINT_B1 + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) (voltSetPoint & 0xff));
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_VOLT_SETPOINT_B2 + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) ((voltSetPoint & 0xff00) >> 8));
	EEPROM.write(REL_ADDR_DEFAULT_STATE + addrOffsetValue,
			(unsigned char) defaultState);

// DataGetAll()
// Convenience function that will load all the saved variables
// at one time.
// Parameters
//	In/Out - data structure updated with all values.
void NonVolatileStorage::DataGetAll(THCStatData* data)
	if (!initialized)

	data->voltageScaleFactor = scale;
	data->pilotArcCount = pilotArcCount;
	data->pierceCount = pierceCount;
	data->tipHours = tipHours;
	data->tipMinutes = tipMinutes;
	data->tipSeconds = tipSeconds;
	data->voltSetPoint = voltSetPoint;
	data->defaultState = (THCState_e) defaultState;
	data->initialWriteCount = writeCount;
	data->flashBlock = addrOffset;

// DataSetAll
// Set all object properties based on the structure pointer
// passed in.  If not initialized, then just return.
// Parameters:
//	In/Out - ptr to data structure to set object values to
void NonVolatileStorage::DataSetAll(THCStatData* data)
	if (!initialized)

	scale = data->voltageScaleFactor;
	pilotArcCount = data->pilotArcCount;
	pierceCount = data->pierceCount;
	tipHours = data->tipHours;
	tipMinutes = data->tipMinutes;
	tipSeconds = data->tipSeconds;
	voltSetPoint = data->voltSetPoint;
	defaultState = (THCState_e) data->defaultState;

// ScalingGet()
// Return the voltage scaling factor.
unsigned char NonVolatileStorage::ScalingGet(void)
	return scale;

// ScalingSet()
// Set the voltage scaling factor.
void NonVolatileStorage::ScalingSet(unsigned char scaleVal)
	scale = scaleVal;

// PilotArcCountGet()
// Returns the number of times the Pilot Arc was ignited.
unsigned int NonVolatileStorage::PilotArcCountGet(void)
	return pilotArcCount;

// PilotArcCountSet()
// Sets the number of times the Pilot Arc was ignited.
void NonVolatileStorage::PilotArcCountSet(unsigned int pilotArcVal)
	pilotArcCount = pilotArcVal;

// PeirceCountGet()
// Returns the count of pierces performed.
unsigned int NonVolatileStorage::PierceCountGet(void)
	return pierceCount;

// PeirceCountSet()
// Sets the count of pierces performed.
void NonVolatileStorage::PierceCountSet(unsigned int count)
	pierceCount = count;

// TipHoursGet()
// Gets the number of hours of cutting time on the
// current tip.
unsigned char NonVolatileStorage::TipHoursGet(void)
	return tipHours;

// TipHoursSet()
// Gets the number of hours of cutting time on the
// current tip.
void NonVolatileStorage::TipHoursSet(unsigned char hours)
	tipHours = hours;

// TipMinutesGet()
// Gets the number of minutes of cutting time on the
// current tip.
unsigned char NonVolatileStorage::TipMinutesGet(void)
	return tipMinutes;

// TipMinutesSet()
// Sets the number of minutes of cutting time on the
// current tip.
void NonVolatileStorage::TipMinutesSet(unsigned char mins)
	tipMinutes = mins;

// WriteCountGet()
// Returns the count of writes to this block of EEPROM.
unsigned char NonVolatileStorage::NonVolatileStorage::WriteCountGet(void)
	return writeCount;

// VoltSetPointGet()
// Returns the voltage set point for cutting.
unsigned int NonVolatileStorage::VoltSetPointGet(void)
	return voltSetPoint;

// VoltSetPointSet()
// Sets the voltage set point for cutting.
void NonVolatileStorage::VoltSetPointSet(unsigned int volts)
	voltSetPoint = volts;

// DefaultStateGet()
// Returns the default power up state.
THCState_e NonVolatileStorage::DefaultStateGet(void)
	return (THCState_e) defaultState;

// DefaultStateSet()
// Sets the default power up state.
void NonVolatileStorage::DefaultStateSet(THCState_e state)
	defaultState = state;

unsigned char NonVolatileStorage::getBlock(void)
	return addrOffset;

unsigned char NonVolatileStorage::setBlock(unsigned char newBlockAddr)
	if (newBlockAddr > 5)
		newBlockAddr = 0;

	if (newBlockAddr != addrOffset)
		// Set the new base block address.
		addrOffset = newBlockAddr;
		// Reset the write count.
		writeCount = 0;
		// Save the offset value
		EEPROM.write(ADDR_OFFSET, addrOffset);
		// Save all the data to the new location.
	return addrOffset;

void NonVolatileStorage::DataReset(void)
	// Reset the usage counts.
	pilotArcCount = 0;
	pierceCount = 0;
	tipHours = 0;
	tipMinutes = 0;
	// Save the reset values.

That's just one of the files in the sketch, and it's the one that shows the error when I try to verify. But you need to run the whole sketch as found at github to get the same error as the one I'm getting

I'm curious why you zeroed in on the third message, ignoring the much more important ones that preceded it.

For some reason, the compiler cannot find eeprom.h. Check it is in the correct place.

Hi Paul

Thank you for your help. As I said, I'm no programmer and this is very new to me.

If I understand correctly, EEPROM.h refers to a library.

Also, if I understand correctly, when I loaded the Arduino IDE, the EPROM library was installed along with a bunch of others.

The code has a #include <EEPROM.h> at the beginning, so I'm wondering what is causing the first error message?

Any ideas?

Sorry, where is the correct place?

The eeprom.h library is in the libraries folder, along with the other libraries that were installed when I installed the Arduino 1.0.5 IDE

#include "EEPROM.h"

I suggest you change that to:

#include <EEPROM.h>

When the included file name is specified in quotes, the pre-processor does not search for it in the default include directories.

OK, thank you. I tried that, which seemed to get rid of the first error.

But I still got these:

NonVolatile.cpp: In member function 'void NonVolatileStorage::InitializeStorage(unsigned char)':
NonVolatile.cpp:78: error: 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope
NonVolatile.cpp: In member function 'void NonVolatileStorage::DataLoad()':
NonVolatile.cpp:115: error: 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope
NonVolatile.cpp: In member function 'void NonVolatileStorage::DataSave()':
NonVolatile.cpp:186: error: 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope
NonVolatile.cpp: In member function 'unsigned char NonVolatileStorage::setBlock(unsigned char)':
NonVolatile.cpp:439: error: 'EEPROM' was not declared in this scope

Use the Additional Options link, below the text entry area, and post your current sketch as a single file.

Post links to all the other libraries you are using.

There are two places to install library files. When you describe where you installed a library, "in the libraries folder" doesn't cut it.

Sketch attached, but I had to zip it as it had too many files to attach individually.

I have not installed any extra libraries that I'm aware of. Unless I'm mistaken, the only libraries I'm using are the ones that were installed by default when I installed the Arduino 1.0.5 IDE

THC_REV-EM sketch.zip (22 KB)

The sketch name is not even valid. Apparently, you don't really want help.

OK, thank you. I tried that, which seemed to get rid of the first error.

But I still got these:

Look at line 16 of NonVolatile.cpp.

The sketch name is not even valid. Apparently, you don't really want help.

:~ Not sure what you mean about the sketch name not being valid......

And I can assure you I would like some help with this.

Look at line 16 of NonVolatile.cpp.

Yes, my fault. I changed that line on my sketch, but not on the one I zipped up and uploaded.


Never mind, I got it working. Thanks guys

Yes, my fault. I changed that line on my sketch, but not on the one I zipped up and uploaded.

Sorry, I can only help with problems in the copy of the code you actually post - I'm not a mind reader. Glad you managed to find the problem anyway.

Yes, my fault. I changed that line on my sketch, but not on the one I zipped up and uploaded.


Never mind, I got it working. Thanks guys

What was finaly the problem/solution Eug, I have the same problem but not in all sketches.

Regards, Robert.