How to achieve continuous rotation on a bipolar stepper motor.

@tom here is my code :

const int ForwardLimitSwitchPin = 2;
const int ReverseLimitSwitchPin = 3;
const int StepperStepPin = 4;
const int StepperDirectionPin = 5;
const int LimitSwitchActivated = LOW; // Limit switch grounds pin
const int StepperMaxRPM = 100;

Stepper stepper(200, StepperStepPin, StepperDirectionPin);

void setup() {
pinMode(ForwardLimitSwitchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(ReverseLimitSwitchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {
// Step forward until the limit switch is activated
while (digitalRead(ForwardLimitSwitchPin) != LimitSwitchActivated) {
// Step reverse until the limit switch is activated
while (digitalRead(ReverseLimitSwitchPin) != LimitSwitchActivated) {