Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming


But if you wait a few hours or a day or so :wink: I will check more in detail whats special with the 1284p.

Yes, I'll do :).
The 1284p uses a separate core folder - ie. I am using the "mighty" stuff ..\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\mighty1284p..) and pin defs in \hardware\arduino\avr\variants\mighty1284p\pins_arduino.h

I have pushed an update with support for the ATmega1284P.

Needed to add a new Board class but also update Interrupt and PWM pin handling. I don't have a board with this processor so the only test I have done is verifying build with the mighty1284p arduino core (as above). Actually I only used the boards.txt file. Please test.

I really liked the spec of the ATmega1284P!
