JDY-08 Bluetooth LE Module - Datasheet, Fritzing part

Thank you so much for providing all the details. I don't have bare ATTiny85 but do have the DigiSpark USB board as well as the Arduino UNO. Do you have any sample Arduino code for the same which I can use to test this module? To be specific, I want to Send/Receive small data from my Phone (Android/iOS) to this BLE module. So any code close to the same application would really be helpful!

A bit about me, I ordered HM-11 from China and the seller sent me something similar with CC2541 (after hours of hunt online, I realized it's JDY-08) and now after reading your post, I know a little bit more.

I am a starter in Arduino and wanted to work with BLE. After looking into all the online forums and all, I figured out CC2541/CC2650 are the modules extensively used for its low power and reliable performance.

Anyways, thanks again for sharing the details. It really helped me and I am sure would do the same for many others.

Waiting for your reply.
