Simple nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz transceiver demo

Hi @Robin2.

I like a lot your samples. I have already worked with NRF24 last year. 3 TX and 1 RX. Each TX with its address and its pipe, so everything works fine.

Now I want to start another project.

The RX node will be an arduino with a SIM800L GSM module. I want it to send to a web page, or with MQTT broker all the data that it receives. It acts as a gateway between NRF24 net and GPRS data.

But my question is about TX nodes. I want to do them in next months, and I don't want to reprogram the TX sketch

For example, I want to put one TX node in my room to get temperature. Two months after, I will put another one that measures wattage and voltage in my home, after another one that measures temperature and humity in the outside.

I want to program my RX gateway node to receive all these packets (different TXs and sizes) and send them to a web server.

The web server (PHP file) will read all data and "understand" it. RX gateway only cast the data. If I add in future another TX node, I have to change only PHP file to understand "another type of information" (see questions)

I have two questions:

  1. does NRF24 RX node listen only one pipe and all of TX nodes writting in that pipe ? (I HAVE TO USE ACK PAYLOADs to know TX that its info has been read)
    Will it be impossible for RX node to get all information ? Imagine 2 nodes --> probably OK, but with 20 nodes ????

  2. My payloads have to be something like this in order to mantain flexibility for future TX nodes:

  • 32 bytes
  • first byte will be the ID of the Node to be "understood" by my PHP page
  • after first byte all data in a row. PHP will be responsible for extract information of the rest of 31 bytes

Have you got any opinion or improvement about this way of transmiting data ?
