Arduino Uno Microsd Card module

I want to store a 5 digit integer and then use it for comparison in my project. I am using a matrix keypad for allowing the user to enter the count. I plan to use a Microsd Card. I also want to compare the 5 digit count with a continuous IR count the Arduino will be receiving. How should I go about it?

so you'd dropped the idea of using EEPROM which seems more suited for a number that won't change too often ? (I did provide an example for you there - did you check it out ??)

if you go to SD instead of EEPROM (your SD card will wear out too), go check my other program but instead of using the EEPROM library use SDFat, open a file, write the structure in the file, close the file. or Open the file, read the content if it exists, close the file. very same approach. Given the absence of follow up on the other thread and very limited personal effort you seem to be doing, I'm not inclined to provide any code. There are plenty of good examples to learn from.

Do your homework.