Android Bluetooth joystick

Bluetooth applications are difficult to debug in Eclipse IDE, as Virtual Devices do not emulate Bluetooth activity
Actual debugging has to be made on a specific real device (Sony Xperia Mini)

I have Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" tablet

what is your tablet API level and display resolution ??

The X and Y values on the tablet screen don't display the position of the joystick

Make sure that options are as follow:
Data Range: -50 to +50
Data display: Joystick position
Data format: STX and ETX

Are the buttons and the "not connected" string displayed on the tablet screen ??
Does the Joystick actually move when touched??
does it produce haptic feedback when this option is selected ??

nothing is displayed on the serial monitor

Your Bluetooth serial board may be still configured @9600BPS
please adjust mySerial.begin(57600) to your specific Baud rate
Also make sure that your Bluetooth serial board is already paired with your tablet

finally uncomment

//        Serial.print(i);  Serial.print(": ");  Serial.println(cmd[i]);

and let me know the outcome

My specific configuration is working flawlessly
Should you have installed this application on a different device, please post feedback