How to use multiple connections on esp modules?

The queue is managed by the underlying library. All your code needs to do is respond to each client request in turn. Imagine your code is a ticket seller and the clients are people lining up to buy tickets. The ticket seller doesnt worry about the line of people, he or she just deals with the first person, gives them want they want then waits for the next person.

Although the names may differ slightly the basic scheme goes something like.

void loop() {

// Check if a client has connected
  WiFiClient client = server.available();
  if (client) {
    // process data from the client

If you post your code you will likely get more help.

Nice Tnx for the each time through the loop I can get one client from
WiFiClient client = server.available();
Nice info and thank you so much I thought the application would be more complicated then this.