NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7


I tried to modify the NewPing15Sensors but i still get the same problem of

0=123cm 1=2cm 2=0cm
0=117cm 1=3cm 2=0cm
0=126cm 1=3cm 2=0cm
0=122cm 1=3cm 2=0cm
0=122cm 1=3cm 2=0cm
0=125cm 1=3cm 2=0cm
0=117cm 1=4cm 2=0cm

I assume the problem is that you're getting 0cm from the third sensor (sensor 2)? It seems that sensor 0 and sensor 1 are giving realistic results. Am I assuming correctly? You don't specifically state the problem, only provide the results so one must assume what you're reporting as a problem.

If so, sensor 2 is reporting 0cm probably because you're using pin 11. As the multi-sensor sketch uses the timer 2 interrupt, there could be issues using pins 3 and 11. This is mentioned in the v1.3 release notes here:

New in v1.3 - Released 6/8/2012:
Big feature addition, event-driven ping! Uses Timer2 interrupt, so be mindful of PWM or timing conflicts messing with Timer2 may cause (namely PWM on pins 3 & 11 on Arduino, PWM on pins 9 and 10 on Mega, and Tone library).

Also, as of v1.4 there's no need to use two Arduino pins. Just specify the same trigger and echo pins in your sketch and wire from the Arduino pin to the trigger pin on the sensor, then from the trigger to echo pin of the sensor. So, for 3 sensors you would only need to use 3 Arduino pins instead of 6 as you have it wired now. Your pin assignment code would look something like this:

NewPing sonar[SONAR_NUM] = { 
  NewPing(5, 5, MAX_DISTANCE),
  NewPing(8, 8, MAX_DISTANCE),
  NewPing(12, 12, MAX_DISTANCE)
