Wemos Lolin ESP32 OLED Module For Arduino ESP32 OLED WiFi + Bluetooth

I did connect two unidirectional MOSFETs that were mounted on robot already to the three 1500rpm gear motors (two back wheels are controlled from same MOSFET). I could have used the Lipo for powering the ESP32 module, but for testing cable was fine for me.

This is wireless test start (robot is jacked on Lego platform):

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>>> p12 = machine.Pin(12); pwm12 = machine.PWM(p12); pwm12.duty(0)
>>> p13 = machine.Pin(13); pwm13 = machine.PWM(p13); pwm13.duty(0)
>>> pwm12.duty(512)
>>> pwm12.duty(0)

Unidirectional motor controller is OK for two back wheels, but steering wheel motor will need a bidirectional controller:

This robot already has weight 533g, and Raspberry Pi Zero with camera for high framerate (≥180fps) video processing is yet missing ...

"So this is kind of another level of debugging, not single pins anymore, but motor functionality."