MIDI socket connected to pin 1 apparently sends nothing

Many thanks for an interesting and helpful thread. I have had a similar experience with the same circuit and a Micro.
May I ask where the colourful pinout with the current limits came from? Are there corresponding ones for other models?

I have some project questions that sort of follow from this thread.

Question 1. For the Micro do I need to use a different value of resistor, say double, in order to bring the current down to 10mA? The thread seems to hold different opinions to me.

Having had no luck on the direct DIN connection I tried checking the USB serial output and running serial/midi bridge software on the corresponding laptop. I can see the Micro output in Processing but not in more specialised Midi software. My reasoning was that perhaps the serial.write() wasn't doing what I thought it was. I crossed the bridge that says I have to adjust the baud to 38400 to even have a hope of getting it to work but even then, having tried Midi Ox, Midi Anvil, Midi Relay and Hairless Midi, only the latter ever recognised the Micro data stream and even then it was for an intermittent 10 seconds never to be coaxed to repeat itself thereafter.
I've also noticed that if I change the code on the Micro to use the Arduino Midi library rather than direct serial.write() then even processing doesn't recognise the input. I got similarly confusing results using ArduMidi (won't compile) and Processing's MidiBus library (won't recognise any Arduino output).

Question 2. Is there some property of the way that the Arduino Micro implements its USB connection (vs a Uno) that might explain any of these observations?

Question 3. I've noticed that every time I upload new code to the Micro that the last console output is always claiming that the baud rate has been reset to the value in the arduino preferences file rather than the value set in Serial.begin(). Is this really saying that every time I might want to change the baud rate I have to close the arduino IDE, change the preference file and restart the IDE?

Thanks for any ideas on this.