artificial intelligence robot.

If it just has a simple loop that says "if I sense the object over here, turn in the opposite direction"; then no - that isn't "artificial intelligence".

If instead.... you wrote the code to say <sense stuff, make "random" decisions, store the result and try the best results next time>.

So what's artificial about that? It's no more artificial than the first part. It's code that instructs the robot to do what you think it ought to do. Why a score between 0 and 10?- that's your intelligence, not the robot's. The notion of comparing things and choosing better ones is merely your intelligence, in code.

Even if a robot....

is capable of learning about its environment by trial and error, building up a knowledge representation map of these interactions

.... that's your intelligence, not the robot's.

I'm not sure there's any such thing as "artificial" intelligence.