Visual Studio Code

hello, is anyone using VSCode?

i just discovered about it and i like it!
there is still a bit of work to do to make it more user-friendly as the arduino IDE but it is already enough good :slight_smile:

I've installed VS Code and the Arduino extension.

When trying to run the debugger, I get the "cannot find the openOCD from the launch.json serv ...

What's your setup for debugging code running on UNO and Mega2560 boards?

Can VS Code debugger be configured for UNO and Mega? Searches seem to indicate that VS Code cannot handle UNO, etc, but I don't understand that, yet. These boards are the backbone of the Arduino project.

Any help or documentation path to understand VS Code, UNO, Mega, and debugging is appreciated.

After reading up on openOCD/EDBG/JLINK/etc. I now understand why the Mega and UNO are not compatible with debugging.

Just ordered an Arduino Zero. All is good.