Which controller to use to control portable WS2812 strip?


One last thing :slight_smile: could you share the battery type that you used?

T85 is good for no more than maybe 150 leds, if your code doesnt use much ram (though one can do very simple animations without a frame buffer using special libraries)

Issue is that you generally need to store the state of each led in a buffer, meaning 3 bytes per led, in addition to all 9ther memory requirements. The tiny85 only has 512b of ram. It also doesnt have hardware multiply, which can impact the frame rate eith some animations (havent played with this issue, but the fastled guy mentioned it)

But if only doing 50 or 100 leds, and not doing anything else that uses much ram, t85 is probably a suitable device. I would probably clock it at 16MHz not 8, due to aforementioned potential speed issue. Youll habe 5v anyway for the leds.