Bluetooth, ble, using raspbian to support the IDE

July 07, 2019


There was another portion of the forum where I tried to set up, but I shouldn't have gone in there, because my subject matter was "outside the scope".

Tinycircuits makes boards which are about the size of a US quarter dollar. With base arduino sketches, I've been able to make the Tinycircuits (Tinyduino) boards work fine -- sketches like blink for example. If one stacks the Tinyduino BLE board onto the other Tinyduino boards, fires up the Arduino IDE (from within Linux Rapbian), one should be able to compile the ble sketch from there, and run it.

This is an attempt to run Arduino Sketches off of a Raspberry Pi. As I had mentioned, the simpler sketches work here. The BLE sketch is a bit more complex, and the problem is, that an accompanying library (STBLE.h) cannot be found, even though I went to the trouble of fully loading the STBLE Library into the IDE as I was supposed to. The Arduino IDE cannot find the STBLE library. Others have said that there are 3 locations in the Arduino directory structure where libraries are stored. I don't know where to look, or where to tell the IDE to look, such that the Sketch can be fully compiled. The name of the Arduino Sketch is: UARTPassThrough. The Windows PC I have is junk (too slow), Thus Raspi Arduino environment can't find said Library. Has anyone fought this? Any help would be appreciated.

Please post a link (using the chain links icon on the forum toolbar to make it clickable) to where you downloaded that library from. Or if you installed it using Library Manger (Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries in the Arduino IDE or Libraries > Library Manager in the Arduino Web Editor) then say so and state the full name of the library.

July 07, 2019


The link is below (but I don't think it will post through as a hyper link):

There is a tutorial (posted below), that somewhat details setting this equipment up:

The first link is for a zip file, which contains the STBLE.h library, the second, is for a general overall Tutorial.

To compile inside the arduino IDE, there shouldn't be a need to have the Tinyduino boards hooked up, I wouldn't think.

Hopefully, there's enough info here.

Thank you.

Do this:

That will automatically install the library to the correct location and should fix the error.

July 07, 2019


The accompanying hardware must be all set up. I'll get to it, but it may be a few days.
