Can you get free Arduino electricity from IOT near field communication?

Arduino boards uses power. Vin batteries and 5V socket walls. You made a tesla coil and plug inside vin. What if we could get free electricity from internet near field communication? Can this be done?

It's not free. Somebody has to pay for it.


Tesla coil??

...get free electricity from internet near field communication? Can this be done?

NFC hardware provides enough wireless power to allow NFC devices (RFID cards/etc) to operate without an internal power source, but that's because NFC devices are designed to consumer very little power. The power you could collect form NFC is not nearly enough to power an Arduino; nor are any of the other "energy harvesting" techniques that you may have heard of. You could probably power an Arduino with one of the wireless battery-charging technologies, but those are much different...

So, "No" - it can't be done.