save data from MimIMU-9 v5

Hi all,

I am currently using MinIMU-9 v5 to get acceleration and trying to record the data to excel. I looked online and found a software called PLX-DAQ. It works fine on my laptop with some tutorial code online (One tutorial I found: Quick Start to Simple DAQ System using PLX-DAQ Excel & Arduino | by Islam Negm (Mr.Bit) | Medium). When I use the tutorial code, the PLX-DAQ read the data into excel perfectly. However when I run the code provided with the MinIMU-9 v5 (GitHub - pololu/minimu-9-ahrs-arduino: Arduino program for building an AHRS with a Pololu MinIMU-9), it won't write data into excel. Although data can be acquired by the Arduino IDE serial moniotr. I use the correct port and baud and it connects perfectly, but it just won't write.

Has anyone encountered the same problem with me, and have you solved the problem? I am really appreciated if you can help me with my problem.

I found I got a lot of help with the PLX-DAQ issue I had, when I had posted the code I was using to send data to PLX-DAQ.