Where is the PINOUT for MKR Zero?

I am sorry for this probably silly question, but I am not able to find an image of the exact pinout for the MKR Zero with deatils concerning Interrupt pins, pwm pins etc... I only find the one for the mkr1000, one for the zero but not for the mkrzero. Could you help me?
Thanks and regards!

I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for but the information in the variant files will be helpful, especially the tables here look informative:

That plus the datasheet for the SAMD21 should give you all the information you could want on the properties of the pins but not in a user friendly a manner as we would expect from Arduino.

Thanks for the link!
Unbelievable there is no official PINout... fascinating :smiley:

Thanks for the link!
Unbelievable there is no official PINout... fascinating :smiley:

Not sure what you mean by "No official PINout"

Under Techincal Specs on https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-mkrzero

There is a listing of the pins.
The female headers are labeled on the MKRZero which I have.

There are also the schematics located at:

I see pins labeled "~2", "~3", "~4", "~5". Does anyone know what these are? Are they different than other PWM outputs?

PA12, PA13, PA14, PA15 pins go to the microSD

Do those also have an Arduino pin number so they could be used as regular digital pins?

PA12, PA13, PA14, PA15 pins go to the microSD

Do those also have an Arduino pin number so they could be used as regular digital pins?

From ArduinoCore-samd/variants/mkrzero/variant.h at master · arduino/ArduinoCore-samd · GitHub

// SPI1: Connected to SD
#define PIN_SPI1_MISO (29u)
#define PIN_SPI1_MOSI (26u)
#define PIN_SPI1_SCK  (27u)
#define PIN_SPI1_SS   (28u)