[Solved] MCP2515 CAN Bus Shield and Arduino Pro Mini - coryjfowler

Can somebody help me understand what the Standard ID is and what PID is?

do you even know CAN protocol... I wonder!

in a previous post YOU said you were just reading the OBD and got that data. and I told you that the data you got its likely to be proprietary. if you have the vehicle CAN database sure you can then decode it.

what's wiki is open data to the public that all OEMs should implement.

meaning: you need to then that 0x7DF can ID (that is your standard CAN ID btw) with the PID (that is the command within the 0x7DF CAN message to request the data you want)

for example to get engine current (service 0x01) rpm (PID 0x0C) you would send Standard ID 0x7DF message 0x02 0x01 0x0C 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 and look at the reply message to get the raw rpm value.