Connection error? avrdude: ser_open()

I'm using a seeeduino v2.2... I was getting errors, and I realized that I had the wrong board. I changed it to the ATmega328 (I think that's correct)

Now I'm getting a new error.

avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM3": Access is denied.

Can someone help? I'm using my laptop and COM3 is the only port

Are you sure there aren't any other applications using that serial port? It looks like the port is open by some other application and avrdude can't use it.

I'm using a seeeduino v2.2... I was getting errors, and I realized that I had the wrong board. I changed it to the ATmega328 (I think that's correct)

Now I'm getting a new error.

avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "\.\COM3": Access is denied.

Can someone help? I'm using my laptop and COM3 is the only port

What board were you trying before? The standard ATmega328 board (and compatibles like your Seeeduino) require that the FTDI USB driver software be installed, that the arduino Uno doesn't use.

Here is a test.

Unplug your board from the laptop. Then open the arduino IDE and check what comm ports are avalible, any shown are NOT for your arduino board. Now close the IDE, plug in your board and again open the IDE and check the avalible comm ports, the new additional comm port is for your board.


When I unplug the board, no ports are available. When it is plugged in, only com3 is available for use

When I unplug the board, no ports are available. When it is plugged in, only com3 is available for use

That's good. However that's all I had.