XDAQ: Arduino based scientific ecosystem of open source software

Hi everyone

I have just released XDAQ v1.0.8. XDAQ is an ecosystem of Open Source software for controlling Arduino based experimental data acquired from sensors. It is a Linux expansion (Debian or Ubuntu based) designed for open science, for users (students, scientists, makers, researchers) whose work involves scientific computing. It is available as Virtual Appliance or integration for Debian (release Jessie and Wheezy) and Ubuntu (release 14.04 Trusty Tahr).

This XDAQ release includes Arduino IDE (latest v1.6.5), Eclipse Luna C/C++ for Arduino and Python toolchains, several useful tools oriented to quality control with Doxygen and ArduinoUnit, to provide high performance and creative processes with openFrameworks C++ toolkit and Processing, to research with SciPy Stack Python-based software or with Scilab, to make electronics accessible with Fritzing and more.

A full presentation of XDAQ is available here.

I hope you'll enjoy all the effort I put into the XDAQ.

Any feedback is very much appreciated.


This is pretty ambitious! Any way to get the slideshow presentations as a download (perhaps as PDFs)?

Overall, though - pretty neat! :smiley: