Windows 7 arduino 1.6.13 troubleshooting

Hello ! 8)

After updating my arduino software to arduino 1.6.13 my computer can't see arduino boards! I tried to connect Mega2560 and Uno rev3, but nothing. My computer can't see arduino boards and arduino software too.

I have windows 7 ultimate 64 bit.

Why? Any help?

What version did you have before? I don't think the drivers have changed recently, so the upgrade shouldn't break anything.

What is device manager showing?

Are they official boards or CH340G-based clones? If the latter, do you have the CH340G driver installed?

I have 1.6. 8 -10 version. I don't remeber !

Yes, I have a CH340G-based clones! :frowning: I instaled driver for CH3400 and now all is good ! Thank you ! 8)

But for previous versions it's works with out driver ! :wink:

But now it's allright ! 8) Than you again !

The mystery is not why you needed to install driver now. The mystery is how it ever worked before!

The mystery is not why you needed to install driver now. The mystery is how it ever worked before!

Yes. It worked before wery well so I forget about the drivers! :frowning: :smiley: