A shield for plug and play sensors and control modules, plus compatible boards

Hi Everyone,

We have created a shield and a couple of Arduino-compatible boards along with a long list of sensors and control modules that are ready to "plug and play." It is called FEZ Medusa and it ships with the complete libraries for a true plug and play platform.

The project is on KickStarter and looks like it is going to be funded in about one week.

Originally we tested the shield with the UNO but we then tried it with the DUE and Mega and even the ADK board, all seem to work very nicely.

This article found in Make will provide you with additional information.

We hope this will complement the great Arduino platform and modular gadgeteer, while making hardware a bit more easier for those who are not comfortable with soldering irons and wires. Please let us know if you have any comments or ideas for improvements.

Gary - GHI Electronics