ESP8266 SPI WiFi Shield ("nice to have")

I am glad you like the library.
The main goal was to substitute the buggy-by-nature serial communication with something more reliable. I tried several serial libraries using original AT firmware and at the end I am convinced the AT firmware is not suitable to make a reliable communication when the traffic is not negligible.

If you have any questions or comments, just write.

And big thanks to Juraj for (now still mysterious for me) piece of code :slight_smile:

Hello Jiri. Juraj

I am trying to use WiFiSpi inan Arduino DUE connected to a WeMos D1 mini pro wifi module.

I cannot get it to work.

Is the SAM architecture that different?
What can I try to tweak to make it work? Data rate divisor? (sam clock is 84MHz and usual divisor constants from AVR maybe do not work)
How can I get to this low level details?

Thanks for your help and support.