MP3 player project -- no sound

Hi everyone,

I've been working on building a pushbutton MP3 player for my child. It consists of an Arduino Uno, Adafruit music maker shield, PCB board with buttons, on/off switch, potentiometer and 4ohm speakers. See attached photo. We physically tested all the components, which are working fine. The issue is now with the fact that no sound comes with the push of each button. While I'm not returning a code error, the problem seems to lie with the code itself. Please take a look at the attached code (too long to put in the post itself) and let me know if you see anything that may be jumping out at you.

Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

MP3 player code.txt (9.9 KB)

I'm betting that putting the

delay(1000); // delay in between reads for stability

is totally shooting you in the foot. You use "musicPlayer.startPlayingFile(filename);" And if I recall, that plays the music in the background. delay(); forces the program to sit in the foreground doing nothing but spin on delay(); No data will be sent to the player.

I did a simular project : Kid's doorbell

The code's there on that writeup. Good luck understanding it though. But if it helps maybe you can get some idea as to what may be going wrong on yours.

-jim lee