ROM-Reader for Super Nintendo / Super Famicom Game Cartridges

In pinout.xls there are 3 pinouts to connect flashroms named: "16bit Flash", "8bit Flash", "16bit Flash in 8bit Mode".

  • The "8bit Flash" pinout is for flashroms like 29F016, 29F032 and 29F033. Choose "8bit adapter" in the flash menu.
  • The "16bit Flash" and "16bit Flash in 8bit Mode" pinouts are for flashroms like 29F1610, 29L3211 and 29LV160.

The difference between "16bit Flash" and "16bit Flash in 8bit Mode" is that the first transfers one word(=two bytes) at a time and the second one transfers just one byte.
In the Cart Reader flash menu you choose "16bit adapter" if you wired the flashrom according to the "16bit Flash" pinout. And you choose "8bit adapter" if you wired the flashrom according to the "16bit Flash in 8bit Mode" pinout.
It does not matter in which mode the flashrom is flashed as long as you wired it up correctly for that mode.

Ofc all this information is only needed if you handwire everything, if you order the PCBs then everything is already correctly wired.
With the PCBs you always choose "8bit mode" if you're using this adapter:

(8bit adapter PCB wired according to the "16bit Flash in 8bit Mode" pinout)

And you only choose "16bit mode" when the PCB actually has 16bit printed on itself.

(16bit adapter PCB wired according to the "16bit Flash" pinout)

So you need to wire your 29L3211 either like the "16bit Flash" pinout and select "16bit adapter" in the flashrom menu or wire it up like the "16bit Flash in 8bit Mode" pinout and select "8bit adapter" in the flashrom menu.

You probably wired the 29L3211 like the "8bit Flash" pinout and that's why it won't work. The 29L3211 is a 16bit flashrom and it needs to be wired either following the "16bit Flash" pinout or the "16bit Flash in 8bit Mode" pinout.