101 unable to load, "exit status 74" (new member)

Hi zike,
could you try replacing the arduino101load binary you can find in /Users/mike/Library/Arduino15/packages/Intel/tools/arduino101load/2.0.1/arduino101load with the one I'm attaching? It uses a different method to discover if the board is connected (and could bypass the error 74). If it doesn't work, open /Users/mike/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/dfu-util/0.9.0-arduino1/ and copy all these files there, replacing dfu-util binary.
If the first method works it means that dfu-utils is finding a non-compliant hardware while scanning the bus and thus it crashes.
Let me know if there is any improvement.

Hi facchinm,

I had exactly the same issue and it solved using method #1.
Now the 101 just works fine but as JFdB said it this method have it's own issues (just like he pointed out in his post). Is it possible to solve the issue with the next update, please?

P.S. I also tried method #2 in combination with #1 to see what would happen, it exited with status 64.