MCUFRIEND_kbv Library for Uno 2.4, 2.8, 3.5, 3.6, 3.95 inch mcufriend Shields

Yes, if you are happy with that choice wiring. Mr altEnergy says that he has tested it. this message contains his SPECIAL

//LCD pins  |D7  |D6  |D5  |D4  |D3  |D2  |D1  |D0  | |RD |WR |RS |CS |RST|
//STM32 pin |PA9 |PA8 |PB15|PB14|PB13|PB12|PB11|PB10| |PA0|PA1|PA2|PA3|PA4|

Altering the data bus pins is fiddly.
Altering the control pins is easy. e.g. move any of the PA0-PA4 pins.
