Star Trek Computer Help

I really new to the DIY electronics...
So here is my dilemma...
I'm doing a Star Trek Fan Film and i need a schematic to light up LED's in a pattern...
I have 18 LED's the blink in a random pattern and 5 single LED's that turn on with 5 switches which also have a sound module attached and those 5 lights stay on...

You do know that's not what's happening in the video, though....right?

In the video there are 23 LEDS total, connected in three "groups" of 8, 8, and 7. And it just continually cycles from one group to the next. Which, is considerably simpler than what you're describing since you only need three "switches"/pins.

If you know it's different, and just want to design a 'better' one...that's cool. Just making sure you're not trying to exactly copy the one in the video.

there aren't enough pins for 18 lights how do i hook them up???

Actually, there are. The pins labeled "Digital "Pins 0-13, AND the pins labeled "Analog" can be Digital Pins 14-19. So...that's 20 digital pins. But, you still wouldn't want to hook them all directly to Arduino. That would be a lot of current. Would need pins to connect to transistors to control the LEDs.

You could also always do something similar to the video, and group some of the LEDs together. Say, instead of 18 individual random LEDs...have 9 groups of two...or, 6 groups of 3...etc, etc... That would clear up some pins for the other lights.

Also, if five lights are either 'always on' or attached to five switches (not sure which way is intended from description)...they really don't even need to be attached to Arduino at all.