16x2 LCD Question

Hi All,
I'm new to Arduino and the list. I have a Due and a 16x2 display I'm attempting to write to. Is there an LCD library compatible with wth 1.5.2 IDE. I've tried example sketches and they all seem to generate errors when compiled.

C:\Users\Danron\Documents\Arduino\libraries\LiquidCrystal\FastIO.cpp: In function 'void fio_shiftOut1(fio_register, fio_bit, uint8_t, boolean)':

I need to make sure I'm using the correct library.


I refreshed my LiquidCrystal library with an updated version and all compiled. Why it worked? Don't know.

I also added the following lines in the setup to initialize my display which made everything more stable.

lcd.noDisplay(); //turn off display
lcd.clear(); //clear display contents
lcd.home(); //reset to home
lcd.display(); // turn on display

The data sheet for the display said I needed to initialize it prior to use. None of the sketches had this sequence of commands.

On on,