WiFiNINA firmware check fails looking for firmware version 1.2.1

I realized there are two possible reasons to run the CheckFirmware sketch:

  • Determine whether there is a newer version of the firmware available.
  • Determine whether the version of the firmware you have installed is compatible with the version of the WiFiNINA library you have installed.

As I already said, you have the newest version of the firmware available for the Vidor, so the sketch is wrong to say otherwise.

The problem is, although the sketch says "Latest firmware version available", it really means "Firmware version your installed version of the WiFiNINA library was written for". It doesn't actually make sense for the sketch to tell you the latest firmware version available because it has no way of knowing this. The truth is that if you install the hourly or beta versions of the Arduino IDE, you'll find that there are also 1.2.2, 1.2.3 versions of the firmware available for MKR WiFi 1010 and Uno WiFi Rev2. There is even a 64 bit test build available that has a 1.2.4 firmware version available for those boards (but 1.1.0 is still the newest firmware version for Vidor).

So there is a question whether it's a good idea to use WiFiNINA library version 1.4.0 with a MKR Vidor 4000 running WiFiNINA firmware version 1.1.0. It might be better to use an older version of the library that was written for that firmware version. A browse through the release history of the library indicates that would likely be library version 1.2.0 (which doesn't indicate which firmware version it was written for), since library version 1.3.0 says it's for firmware version 1.2.0.