Graphics library for NodeMCU (ESP8266), ESP32 and serial+parallel TFT displays

Hi Stan,

All the really hard work was done by Daniel Eichhorn. He has some great projects getting the ESP8266 talking to the web and has produced an online book. He designed the splash screen:

He is also knows how to use web API's to for example download images and maps, which I failed to get working in the past:

The weather station code is a great example where the weather icons are fetched from a server.

P.S. You may notice some duff pixels in the images above which were grabbed off the screen. The problem was that reading pixels at 40MHz SPI rate does not work totally reliably. To be fair though that clock rate is well above the ILI9341 specified limits and thus is "over-clocking" it significantly. So use 27MHz SPI rate if the pixel read functions are going to be used!