Arduino DUE How to Direrct Port Access?

As I understand it you can't simultaneously set some pins high and some low, you have
to set some high and then others low, or vice versa, using two instructions.

many thanks for the reply I will have a go at a simple example of this and see what results I get, I am assuming that I will need to send a 32bit mask to the ports ?


  pinMode (32, OUTPUT) ;

D -> PIO_SODR = B11111111111111111111111111111111 ;  // set pin
  delay (1) ;
  D -> PIO_CODR = B1111111111111111111111111111111 ;  // clear pin

That sets 32 pins simultaneously (if they are outputs). You need to find
the relevant bit(s) for the pin(s) you're interested in as my example shows.

The syntax is 0b1111111111111111111111111111111 BTW.