Voice command Recog System

Writing your values to EEPROM is fairly easy. There is an EEPROM library that will do so a byte at a time:

I think there is also a library somewhere that will save longer structures, but you only need to save a few integers so highByte() and lowByte() would probably be enough. You would use EEPROM.write(x) = highByte(...) etc. If you held your parameters in an array rather than separate variables then you could write a short loop to save them all to EEPROM sequentially.

When you want to compare them, you will want to drag them back from EEPROM using EEPROM.read(x) and I guess put them into a new array to work with. The difficulty will be deciding whether a new command is the same as the old one because things will never be quite equal. Hopefully if you have been displaying the data you will have an idea of how much "wobble" to include in the comparison of each parameter. You could grade the similarity of each and then have a threshold that carried out an action or not depending upon whether the overall similarity was above or below the threshold.