Simple way to convert from Floating point to String

Well, I searched for some time on the Internet for an reliable way to convert from a floating point to String, but I found none in 10 secconds and did my self that.

If you need, this is the code (Also explained a bit):

String floatToString(float f, int decimals = 2){
		Transforms the floating point string process:
		eg.: using decimals = 2, input: 1.23456
			1.23456 * (pow(10, 2+1)
				1.23456 * 1000 = 1234 (as a long)
			now, let's move digits asside:
			3 goes to 4, 2 goes to 3.
			Stages:		"1234"
			Not, put a dot in the place of the separator

	long fLong = f*(pow(10,decimals+1));
	String longString = String(fLong);
	int len = longString.length();

	for(int i = 0; i < decimals; i++){
		longString[len - 1 - i] = longString[len - 2 - i];
	longString[len - decimals - 1] = '.';

	return longString;