Quectel MC60 GPRS

I'm facing problem to post data to server using Quectel MC-60.

Link format to post data is:


When I open this link using browser its working and showing success, But when i tried to post using MC60 it gives HTTP 400 - Bad Request.

Sequence of AT commands:

-> AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","www" (Set APN)
-> AT+CGACT=1,1 (PDP context Active)
-> AT+CGATT=1 (Attach GPRS)
-> AT+QIOPEN="TCP","xyz.in","80"(Start TCP Connection)
-> AT+QISEND (Send data through TCP)
-> http://xyz.in/demo/mclogger/superRentals/index.php /ard/createGpsLocationFromDevice?deviceId=95614735&key=MYKEY&ard=12.63,78.65

Then I'm getting Error of HTTP 400 - Bad Request.

Is my Sequence of AT command is wrong?? Or Method of posting is wrong?


You need to ensure a response back from the Quectel, hence either do a response check or put in a delay between each request.