Option to bypass "Processing -> C++" pre-processor

OK, I suppose I should have said define and use. LOL.

My example used the class. It compiles.

You put the declarations (basically, prototypes for the class methods) into a .h file, but the the source for the methods is in a .cpp file. You definitely don't want this included in every file that simply want to use a class!

I don't get your point here. You put the definition in a .h file. You can put the implementation into the .ino file, or make another .cpp tab for it. Probably neater to put it into a separate file. So say you want implement class foo, you make foo.h and foo.cpp. What is the major problem with that?

In any case, I'm glad to be in C++. No questions of "pretty much" or "bug reports".

Right. So C++ has no bug reports?

But I've come across weirder and harder to understand (and therefore workaround) bugs -- most recently I had some code that would throw up spurious errors (some name collision of some sort going on under the hood, I suspect), but would compile without error when the offending code was placed in a seperate .h file and then inlined in the sketch in the same place via a #include directive.

That just about did it for me.

Perhaps you should calm down and post the code in question, and try to understand the techniques required to work around any issues you have. The IDE has some idiosyncrasies, designed to make things easier for beginners. Now you can throw out the whole lot, and move to a pure avr-gcc environment, or keep the friendliness of the IDE and develop strategies for avoiding the issues that friendliness causes.