How to flash genuine HM-10 firmware on CC2541 (make genuine HM-10 from CC41)

I'm trying to flash this firmware using an Arduino UNO and a CC2541 chip.

I have the CC2541 chip assembled the same way as demonstrated in this schematic.

The only difference is the Antenna, which at the moment is merely a wire, connected to the pins 25 and 26 and also to the ground. I have also connected the pins 7, 8 and 11 to the arduino Uno's D4, D5, D6, as required by this guide.

I have tried to connect these pins in a variety of ways:

  1. Using a voltage divider (with resistors) before connecting arduino's pins to the CC2541
  2. Using voltage regulators (78L33A) for each arduino output pin
  3. Connecting the wires directly to CC2541 pins

In all of these, it waited for Arduino to respond, which never happened.

The CC2541 was fed with 3.3V from the Arduino UNO, and its GND pin was connected to UNO's GND pin.