Old guy who wants to learn


I just joined 2 days ago, so I can't really say "welcome to the forum", but I do IT consulting for a company that makes all kinds of equipment and supplies for DNA testing, Electrophoresis and other Lab related work. Their clients range anywhere from NIH, other Government orgs, universities and high school chemistry and biology labs.

Anyway, one of the 2 partners in the company is 94 years old. Former US NAVY electrical engineer. Literally, one of the sharpest people I've ever met. He is responsible for any and all PCB designs and anything electronics related. Spends his entire day soldering and 3D printing things, drives to and from office every damn day and yells at me when i'm 2 minutes late to fix his computer issues. When I am not late, he yells at me for being a goddam communist (I'm from Russia). I love the guy!

You are still a young gun and i'm pretty sure you will have no trouble learning all these things! You got this!