Need testers for a new IDE

Does c:\tmp not exist on your computer?

The folder exists and has a subfolder names "blah" but no files.

Can you send me some console logs?

LIke this you mean?

ResourceManager resource configuration:
 - Resource category: JAVA
 - Current directory: C:\ArduinoX\win\
 - Property count: 18
 - Property:  =<>
 - Property: arguments=<>
 - Property: bundledvm=<jre>
 - Property: classpath=<lib\ArduinoX.jar;lib\RXTXcomm.jar;lib\arduinocompile.jar
 - Property: currentdir=<${EXECUTABLEPATH}>
 - Property: embedjar=<false>
 - Property: javapropertiescount=<1>
 - Property: javaproperty_name_0=<java.library.path>
 - Property: javaproperty_value_0=<./lib>
 - Property: jvmsearch=<bundled>
 - Property: mainclassname=<com.joshondesign.arduinox.Start>
 - Property: maxversion=<>
 - Property: minversion=<1.6>
 - Property: skel_Debug=<1>
 - Property: skel_JniSmooth=<0>
 - Property: skel_PressKey=<1>
 - Property: skel_SingleInstance=<0>
 - Property: skel_SingleProcess=<1>
Main class: com.joshondesign.arduinox.Start
Currentdir: C:\ArduinoX\win
Now searching the JVM installed on the system...
JVM Lookup: found VM (V(1)(6)(0)) in registry.
JVM Lookup: found VM (V(1)(6)(0)) in registry.
JVM Lookup: Env-Var JAVA_HOME not defined on this system.
JVM Lookup: Env-Var JRE_HOME not defined on this system.
JVM Lookup: Env-Var JDK_HOME not defined on this system.
Found a vm bundled with the application: (jre)
Current directory is C:\ArduinoX\win\
Running now <C:\ArduinoX\win\jre><><0.0.0>, instanciate=no
Launching <C:\ArduinoX\win\jre><><0.0.0>
RuntimeLibPath used: C:\ArduinoX\win\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
No version, trying with 1.6.0
Saving jnismoothjar in C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\Temp\temp4.jar
Created temporary filename to hold the jar (C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\Temp\temp
ClassPath element is C:\ArduinoX\win\ + lib\ArduinoX.jar
ClassPath element 0=C:\ArduinoX\win\lib\ArduinoX.jar
ClassPath element is C:\ArduinoX\win\ + lib\RXTXcomm.jar
ClassPath element 1=C:\ArduinoX\win\lib\RXTXcomm.jar
ClassPath element is C:\ArduinoX\win\ + lib\arduinocompile.jar
ClassPath element 2=C:\ArduinoX\win\lib\arduinocompile.jar
ClassPath element is C:\ArduinoX\win\ + lib\jsyntaxpane-0.9.6.jar
ClassPath element 3=C:\ArduinoX\win\lib\jsyntaxpane-0.9.6.jar
ClassPath element is C:\ArduinoX\win\ + lib\swing-layout-1.0.4.jar
ClassPath element 4=C:\ArduinoX\win\lib\swing-layout-1.0.4.jar
ClassPath element is C:\ArduinoX\win\ + lib\XMLLib.jar
ClassPath element 5=C:\ArduinoX\win\lib\XMLLib.jar
VM Created successfully
DLL Setup on 1.6.0
Classpath: -Djava.class.path=C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local\Temp\temp4.jar;C:\Arduin
Option added:-Djava.library.path=./lib
VM 1.2+ Created successfully !!
Looking up for class <jsmooth/Native>
Looking up for class <jsmooth/Native>
Looking up for class <jsmooth/Native>
Looking up for class <jsmooth/Native>
Looking up for class <jsmooth/Native>
Looking up for class <jsmooth/Native>
Looking up for class <jsmooth/Native>
Result code on DLL: 1
Looking up for class <com/joshondesign/arduinox/Start>
Looking up for class <java/lang/String>
Looking up for class <com/joshondesign/arduinox/Start>
Invoke Static main ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
the toolchain path = null
WARNING:  RXTX Version mismatch
        Jar version = RXTX-2.2pre1
        native lib Version = RXTX-2.2pre2
resources dir = C:\ArduinoX\win\resources
parsing: C:\ArduinoX\win\resources\hardware\boards\diecimila.xml
parsing: C:\ArduinoX\win\resources\hardware\boards\mega2560.xml
parsing: C:\ArduinoX\win\resources\hardware\boards\uno.xml
basedir = C:\ArduinoX\win\resources\examples
Loaded settings: 3
Nov 20, 2012 10:50:08 PM jsyntaxpane.DefaultSyntaxKit loadConfig
INFO: unable to load configuration for: class jsyntaxpane.syntaxkits.CSyntaxKit
from: jsyntaxpane/syntaxkits/CSyntaxKit/
installing font: java.awt.Font[family=Courier New,name=Courier New,style=plain,s
prop = componentPopupMenu
prop = document
preferred size = 26.0
prop = editorKit
prop = background
prop = caretColor
prop = selectionColor
installing font: java.awt.Font[family=Courier New,name=Courier New,style=plain,s
prop = componentPopupMenu
prop = componentPopupMenu
prop = font
preferred size = 28.0
prop = font
preferred size = 28.0
prop = ancestor
prop = ancestor
saved settings to : C:\
serial port = COM11
saved settings to : C:\
serial port = COM11

This is from an invocation after using the app with a maximised window. It came up at the standard small size.
