Which arduino board should I get -- I need 32 total outputs

Hey Left (or anyone)
are you serious, about the Mega - board having 54 different outputs?

Yes, 54 I/O pins that can be used as digital input or output pins. Many pins have secondary uses such as PWM outputs needed for the analogWrite() command, other pins support serial communicatons, user interrupts, 16 of the pins support analogRead() commands, but bottom line is that all the I/O pins can be used as simple input or output pins supported by the digitalRead() and digitalWrite() commands, even the analog input pins.

I thought that was 54-14 PMW pins - meaning only 40 to use?

See above statement and ask again if that is not clear enough information about pin usage.

But are they also serious in that you can almost have an infinite amount of control over much more than that?

Not sure about infinite and not sure what you are asking, rephrase maybe.

And, is it easier just to stack 2 if like 10 more is needed, or is it easier modifying the software.
Im not familiar with coding, so what might sound easy to some, will be almost impossible or far too time consuming to learn to do for others.

Stack what? Arduino boards? no, you can have only one controller board but it can have shield board(s) stacked onto it.

thanks for all the help thus far.