Newbie Help...No such file or directory. Compilation terminated.

Thanks on the help so far !!!

The author if the project.... told me to goto version 1.8.9, he gave me a copy of the LIBRARIES and his sketches (as its called I guess...) he had me change a few things tools-boad-board manager- and choose version 1.6.20 etc etc....

so maybe my LAST ?.

this project I guess main file is called 'pushbuttonlinein' and UNDER that it has a lot of other *.ino files like "color","drip","fire" etc....

so I LOAD pushbuttonlinein and when I do that Ill see TABS open up next to it of "color""Drip""Fire" etc....

do I need to UPLOAD EACH tab individually ? or just the "main" one ?

thanks in advance :slight_smile: