P10 32x16 LED panel 1/4 scan now works with Adafruit_GFX

The code worked perfectly for me after debugging some errors in the gamma.h file.

gamma array declaration keyword was diffent from one used on the rgbmatrixpanel.cpp so i modified the gamma.h

See the attached file.

Hi Savotech,

Thanks for the file, I can compile the sketch, but now I have another problem it is related to the order of the pixels, I hope it will be easier to fix:
the issue is the "y" axis is interchanged on both rows of the panel, for example, if you draw a pixel at x=0, y=0 it appears at x=0, y=4, on the other hand if you draw the pixel x=0, y=4 it appears at x=0, y=0 and is the same with the lower row if you draw a pixel at x=0, y=8, it appears at x=0, y=12

If you write something the letters are cutted by the half.

Is there any chance you can help me? I will really appreciate it

Thank you :slight_smile: