Due won't start after power off-on, have to reset

Hi there all,
the first time I put a sketch into the DUE I though I had a dud, well after swearing at it, I pushed the reset button, like every body else the program will not start from 'cold' start or reboots, a quick unplug and shove back in it works.
Now the people that designed this very cool board ( I wish I had them at school) from what I have done in the computing / electronics world it should of had a proper power on reset circuit, the fact that this board will not start and run correctly makes it hard to design into a new product, well with out a power on reset, the small cap across the reset pin that is not charged whilst cold power on is a 'hack' and I like it, but a little more forward thinking a 555 timer could do the job I know you are all laughing at me, well there is a mega 16u2i440 surely this has a spare pin that could be used for the cold power on reset as the chip all ready does a reset during the writing of the code it would just have to be a one shot reset, just my idea.

This board is amazingly fast, makes the old 8 bit computers look like toys.

Cheers All
