help with Stepper motor driver


i want help how to do diagram Stepper motor Drive with LCD input shield Arduino Uno

Images from Original Post so we don't have to download them. See this Simple Image Guide


Start by learning to write separate programs {A} to put a message on the LCD screen and get inputs from its buttons and {B} to control the stepper motor.

These links should help with the second part.
Stepper Motor Basics
Simple Stepper Code

also look up the AccelStepper library


yes but i have problem to connect ENA +/- and DIR +/- and PUL +/- ..
i cant connect to Arduino Uno because LCD input shield top the board

yes but i have problem to connect ENA +/- and DIR +/- and PUL +/- ..
i cant connect to Arduino Uno because LCD input shield top the board

That's a common problem with shields and one of the reasons why I never bought one.

Some LCD's use a large number of Arduino I/O pins (I know, I have one of them) but others use I2C to communicate with the PC and only need a few pins. Your shield also needs I/O pins for the switches.

You need a schematic diagram for your LCD shield to see what Arduino pins are actually essential for it to work and whether there are some unused ones that could be used with your stepper driver.


yes but i have problem to connect ENA +/- and DIR +/- and PUL +/- ..
i cant connect to Arduino Uno because LCD input shield top the board

A breakout shield with stacking headers allows access to pins in this instance. Display shields don't
use stacking headers as they have to be at the top of any stack.

For instance: Overview | Adafruit Proto Shield for Arduino | Adafruit Learning System