Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches


1.) Is there a possibility to configure the name of the automatically generated library f.e. "Arduino_Mega_2560_or_Mega_ADK" --> I would prefer the name "000b_ArduinoMega2560_Core". This will force the libraries to be listed on first position, before all other projects.

Version 2 no longer has a separate Arduino project. There is a Arduino folder in each and every sketch and a library folder containing the imported libraries. If this is really important I would advice to go to V2. However this functionality relies on CDT 1.8.1 which needs Juno.
The only option I can think of is to download the code and do the mod yourself.

public static final String CoreProjectNamePrefix = ""; //used to be arduino_ but when chaging from MCU to board replaced by nothing

As you are using version 1.2.4 you do not want this version but the one tagged with Release 1.2.4

2.) Using "Serial Monitor View" give me only "/dev/ttyS0" (instead of "/dev/ttyACM0"), but "/dev/ttyS0" up to "/dev/ttyS3" is already in use on my linux box (eventually on all gentoo linux systems). Is this configurable or hard coded? Eventually you could add "/dev/arduino" in the search list? Than linux users could map any device using the udev rules to "/dev/arduino".

I know what you are talking about :~
This is actually a rxtx feature. Arduino has its own version of the rxtx dll. The problem you mention is a Linux only issue and has recently been discussed on the developers list. The only correct way to find the serial devices is to look at /dev/serial. The Arduino team is looking at as a replacement for rxtx. I have not yet (and I'm not planning to) look at what the impact will be on the eclipse plugin.
Workaround is to add following line to your eclipse.ini file

3.) Arduino-Configuration page, renaming suggestion: "test serial dll" --> "test serial library (rxtx)" would be better understandable for linux, mac and windows users

Is your objection against the word dll or the lack of rxtx.

Let me know how I can help you improving the plugin.

Some ideas:
-testing with gentoo (at the moment only indigo is possible)
-write an wiki for gentoo users -->
-make some usability test (I'm an usability engineer) --> create issues at git
-translation to german language
-make some small bugfixes
-make a donation for an picaxe :blush:

Help is welcome. There are however some things to keep in mind.

  1. I'm not planning to release any more V1 versions (Normally Arduino IDE 1.0.3 should have been the last V1 Arduino IDE release.)
  2. V2 is a complete rewrite (both for my plugin as for the Arduino IDE)
  3. I have not foreseen translation functionality in the plugin.
  4. Due to health constraints there is no time for me to spend on the plugin in the coming months. Even adding a picaxe donation button will have to wait.

Best regards