Simple boost converter.

This is one of those things that looks simple in the textbook but the actual implementation is much more complex.

If you saw a diagram of a jet engine in a book, do you think you could build one from parts?

i dont think a diagam of a jet engine would look very simple Morgan.

I suspect the regulation performance is very limited, the lack of input capacitor will make it very noisy
electrically, and not knowing its basic performance means you're going to have to measure them to be
sure its suitable for a particular use. The lack of a separate feedback pin means it can only be a fixed
output voltage, not programmable.

A datasheet would be good, its probably perfectly good for lots of non-critical applications, cheap and
easy to hand solder for an SMT component too. I suspect its designed for phone-chargers.

you were referring to the original converter Mark? Did you have any thoughts on this one? this one does have a feedback pin. ive bought the components and am going to try building it just to see what happens. there are a lot of cheap prebuilt variable boost converters on ebay/ alibaba which utilise this chip but i dont know how it would compare to more expensive ones...